
New guidance on OEI Act licensing and authorisations for offshore infrastructure activities

The Offshore Infrastructure Regulator has released new guidance to provide advice on compliance with the requirements of the Offshore Electricity Infrastructure Act 2021 (OEI Act) to ensure offshore infrastructure activities are appropriately authorised and approved.

The guidance is intended for use by OEI Act licence holders and other stakeholders who are considering conducting activities which may involve the construction, installation, commissioning, operation, maintenance or decommissioning of offshore renewable energy infrastructure or offshore electricity transmission infrastructure in the Commonwealth offshore area.

The role of the Offshore Infrastructure Regulator in monitoring and enforcing compliance with the requirements of the OEI Act is also described.

We welcome feedback from our stakeholders on this guidance which can be made by submitting comments in writing to

The consultation period will close on 20 March 2023 after which time the guidance will be finalised and published.

For more information read the Licensing and authorisations for offshore infrastructure activities guidance note.


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